03 July 2008

Run On...

Saturday started with me frantically racing out of the house to make it to the Proud to Run. Apparently when setting ones alarm clock one should make sure the "am" light is on. Luckily I woke in time to grab a peanut butter bagel, down a Red Bull and meet my friend John on the corner and hop in a cab.

It was perfect weather for running. The course took us up the trail along Lake Michigan to Hollywood Beach, then down and around Montrose Harbor. Running around Montrose Harbor was about mile 5, which is where I completly felt like I lost my steam. More appropriatly, I felt like I was about to die. I remember thinking if I just take a few steps to the right, I will fall into the lake and I would be refresshed and finished with the race. But, then I thought about being hoisted out of the lake wouldn't be too pretty. This is where I found that running with someone makes it easier and helps push you along...there was no way I was letting him beat me :) We hit the 6mile marker, turned the corner, saw the finish-line and I began to haul ass...we finished the race in 54min 50sec. Woohoo!
I am running for, AIDS Foundation Chicago, with a fundraising goal of $4,000. Please be sure to visit my donation page and support me in my efforts.

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