23 July 2008


I just received an email from the AIDS Marathon staff which announced that the top 10 runners who raise the most funds, will be entered into a drawing to receive two round-trip airline tickets to Hawaii from American Airlines! So, here's the deal, should I be that lucky recipient, I will give the tickets to my top donor.

This is where I currently stand:

Total raised: $2,102.40

Goal: $3,700.00

In order to even qualify for this I/we will need to exceed the $3,700. Together we can do this!

Where does the money go? AIDS Foundation Chicago which provides support and services to those living with HIV/AIDS. Through AIDS Foundation Chicago here are some agencies who are currently benefiting; Austin Health Center's AIDS awareness and prevention education peer advocate program targeting African-American youth. Interfaith House's HIV/AIDS Services and Education Project, which provides short-term housing and care as well as supportive services and education for individuals living with HIV. Research & Education Foundation of Michael Reese's Medication Adherence Project of the HIV Care Program, which provides adherence education and counseling services.

Please remember why I am running and become a sponsor by visiting my donation page. In addition to one time donations, you can opt for a monthly donation. Every bit helps the AIDS Foundation continue to do their work.

It is Wednesday night, and that can only mean one thing! I am heading out of work and home to put in my 40minute maintenance run! Wish me luck I am feeling a bit tired tonight.

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