22 July 2008

Donation Link Change

I just received an email from the AIDS Marathon program that due to some upgrade to their website the link to my donation page has changed. If you have tried to go to my page to donate, here is the updated link.

I just realised that the bright side of the change in my link...I have been able to produce a posting with the most links to my donation page ever!

On the subject of donations, I have to say THANK YOU again to everyone who has donated thus far. (queue Ed McMahon) "Jerry's tote board" is now....
Total raised: $2,102.40
Goal: $3,700.00
Needed: $1,597.60
Please keep the donations and sponsorship coming. And Please send this to anyone you know who may be interested in supporting me and the AIDS Foundation.

Oh, I wanted to send a message to everyone who is reading this...many people have told me they are reading my blog...please feel free to comment and such and let me know you are out there and showing your support :)


Anonymous said...

Your Doing Great! keep up the good work!!!

Dan said...

Thanks bro!