19 July 2008

What I Found Tooling Around the Net Today...

So I was just tooling around online, as one does, and I just came across this video. I thought it was a good song, and then I read the video description and it said he wrote this about a friend who was dying of AIDS who had passed away before he completed it. Then I listened to it again and payed more attention to the lyrics. It is when finding things such as this, that it reminds me what I am doing, why I am doing it, and how many people are touched by AIDS. The artist is Cort Clark. I came across him after visiting the website of The Todd and Pony Show, a podcast I love to listen too.

Please remember that I am running; to raise money for the AIDS Foundation, visit my donation page and help sponsor me and help get me across the finish line.

I am sure I will be back later with another post tonight about this mornings run...Lots to talk about...

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