16 July 2008

Did you know???

I was a bit disturbed to look at my blog today and on the right hand side, where I have a link to AIDS Portal news, I read "US ban on visitors with HIV could end soon". What? Excuse me? Am I the only one who did not realise we have this as a law? How archaic are we? Apparently this has been a law for over 20 years! OK, I get that back in 1987 people didn't know enough about the disease and freaked...but to be here in the year 2008, knowing what we know now and to still have this as a law. And what is worse to find out that HIV is the only medical condition explicitly listed under US Immigration law. It made me feel great to see that besides the US, other countries with similar bans are Saudi Arabia, Lybia, and Russia. Nice to see we are keeping such great company as our compasses.

So, what to do? Well take some action and go to the HRC website and send a message to your senator and help get this repealed. We should be embarrassed that this is an actual law in a country such as ours.

You know I have to get this plug in...the purpose of why I am blogging...I am running; to raise money for the AIDS Foundation, visit my donation page and help sponsor me and help get me across the finish line!

I am off to go get my Thursday run in...let's hope it has cooled off a bit by the lake tonight.

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