14 July 2008

I ran how far?

I awoke Saturday morning at 5am to the clap of thunder and the sound of rain outside my bedroom window. Was I still dreaming? Nope it was storming. It was not time for panic, it was time to fall back asleep and wait for my alarm to go off...

6am, alarm goes off...no thunder, but still raining. Now what? Well it is amazing the thoughts that go through your head when faced with the prospect of getting out of your warm, dry bed to put on your running gear to run in the rain. Anyone who knows me, knows that first and foremost I am not a morning person. Top that off with the thoughts of being soaked with rain, and sweat, and my vain side comes out. So I laid there with my internal struggle, which honestly only lasted for a few minutes...when the reality of why I am doing this, the commitment that I made and the added responsibility not to let down everyone who has sponsored me came to light. I literally jumped out of bed and said out loud "lets do this". I made my coffee, had my peanut butter sandwich and some water, put on my gear and headed to our run site....it was still raining but not as hard.

At the run site I was actually surprised to see so many of the Aids Marathon team. I had thought everyone would be scared off by the rain and thunder. Once I met up with my pace group, (we have a new member Omar) and we got underway, the thoughts of the rain quickly went away and at some point so did the rain. (The picture to the left is from last week and is of Holly and myself I will have to get a picture of Holly, Omar and myself for a future posting)

We ran from our run site at Lawrence and Simmonds south to almost Fullerton and back for a total of 7 miles! At the end of our the run I felt surprisingly great! The first thing I had said was "that is the farthest I have ever run!" a few others said the same and high-fives and fist bumps were traded (how butch am I?). The thought quickly rushed over me...It only gets better from here. Each week we will be adding onto our mileage building up to the 26.2 mile marathon. Here we go...this is where it is going to get challenging and interesting..."BRING IT!"

For those who do not know; I am training for the AIDS Marathon in Honolulu on December 14th. Money raised goes directly to support the AIDS Foundation who provides support and services to those living with HIV/AIDS. Today my fundraising hit $1,950! I still have $1,750 to go to reach the minimum goal of $3,700....With your sponsorship I can hit and surpass that goal! Please visit my donation page and become a sponsor today. Thank you! Cheers!

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