13 June 2008

Day one is almost here

Today is Friday the 13th...not sure if this is a good date to have as my start date...

Not only is this my first marathon, it is my first attempt at blogging. I appreciate any constructive criticism and comments and I hope you stick it out with me.

So, tomorrow is the first official "team" run and the first of many Saturday mornings I will drag myself out of bed and head to the cool shores of Lake Michigan and pound the pavement. I am not sure why but the excitement building up to tomorrow has my nerves flowing.

In preparation I am off to Fleet Feet Sports tonight to buy a new pair of running shoes. I will let you know how that turns out...

OK, Yes the marathon I am running is in Honolulu. Exotic location aside, I am running for a very serious cause, AIDS Foundation Chicago, with a fundraising goal of $4,000. Please be sure to visit my donation page and support me in my efforts. In addition to general donations I am working on some other fun fundraising ideas...if you have any please share them with me.

TGIF and have a great weekend!


allie said...

I am so proud of you!! You are an inspiration. I can't wait to read updates on your acomplishment.


allie said...

Dude. I have heard this before but was not sure if true! I am going there this weekend!!